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UN Building


Interior view created using Photoshop to highlight use of glass thermal mass wall for passive heating and cooling.

During my time at Swinburne, we were given the task of bringing an old campus building back to life. The UN Building at the Hawthorn Campus was rundown and not frequently used.


Our task was to create an attractive space for students and staff to interact, housing student accommodation pods, an outside terrace with a bar, a garden rooftop and keeping the existing two levels underneath.


This project was undertaken in a Sustainability subject, highlighting our focus of using sustainable materials in our Passive solar designed, insuring we included shading and thermal internal insulation - just like the class bottle wall you can see in this render. 

LV 4.jpg
LV Plan.jpg

Reworks - Top Plans are original building plans for the Swinburne UN Building. Bottom Plans are the refurbished plans based around creating a space for students to interact, socialise but also have a level that is designated office space.


3D View made using Photoshop

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